Frequently Asked Questions

After how long will I receive the product after purchasing it?

You will receive the purchased product immediately after payment. A page will appear to download the product and it will be sent to you via E-Mail (check in Spam if you don't find it). 

In case there is any problem with the shipment, do not hesitate to contact us!

How do I install the resource I just purchased?

We have answered this question in our Tutorial section. Read how to install resources in your FiveM Server

What if I have problems with a product?

If you experience any problems with the product you purchased, please contact us on Discord or via E-Mail so we can try to help you in solving the problem. 

Is this One-Time-Payment or Subscriptions?

All our products are one time payment, you will not be charged monthly.

Are the products encrypted and not editable?

No, all the products are not encrypted so you can modify them to your liking! 


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