Enabling Cayo Perico in your FiveM Server

Enabling Cayo Perico in your FiveM Server

Here’s a guide to switching the island (which will disable LS if used) until native definitions are added to codegen:

  1. Make sure you’re on server build 3324 or higher. To check this, run version in your server console.
  2. Add set sv_enforceGameBuild 2189 (or higher) to your server.cfg or +set sv_enforceGameBuild 2189 to your launch parameters.
  3. Run the following script, or similar, somehow:
    local islandVec = vector3(4840.571, -5174.425, 2.0)
        while true do
    	local pCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))		
    		local distance1 = #(pCoords - islandVec)
    		if distance1 < 2000.0 then
    		Citizen.InvokeNative("0x9A9D1BA639675CF1", "HeistIsland", true)  -- load the map and removes the city
    		Citizen.InvokeNative("0x5E1460624D194A38", true) -- load the minimap/pause map and removes the city minimap/pause map
    		Citizen.InvokeNative("0x9A9D1BA639675CF1", "HeistIsland", false)
    		Citizen.InvokeNative("0x5E1460624D194A38", false)
  4. Go to the right place on the map, and you should see the island instead of the default gta5 level.
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